

  • 2000+
    Kentrus Family

    Dr. Ryan C. Kentrus ’04/M’07 and Dr. Melody Hanna Kentrus ’05 welcomed their daughter, Lola Faith, on Sept. 9, 2022. She joins siblings, Kallie, Sullivan and Pepper.


    Baby Simpson

    Trisha L. Brown Simpson ’06 and husband, Daniel Simpson ’08, welcomed their daughter, Blakely Noel, on July 28, 2022.


    Buskirk Family

    David P. Buskirk ’09/M’12 and Dr. Sheena Willison Buskirk ’13 welcomed their daughter, Elsie Marie, on April 3, 2022.

  • 2010+
    Baby Alerding

    Amanda M. Rocus Alerding ’11/M’13 and her husband, Mitchell, welcomed their daughter, Eloise, on June 2, 2022.


    Baby Thorne

    Mary S. Worch Thorne ’10 and Kirk Thorne ’14 welcomed their son, James, on June 22, 2022.


    Loar Family

    Stephanie R. Sindy Loar ’12 and husband, Seth Loar ’12, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Alayna, on June 5, 2022.


    Baby Pracher

    Nikki E. Rieland Prachar ’12 and her husband, Conor, welcomed their son, Noah Aaron, on Sept. 22, 2022.


    Baby Waters

    Lauren N. Powell Waters ’12 and her husband, Daniel, welcomed their daughter, Mariah, on Jan. 25, 2022.


    Baby Dvorkin

    Megan R. Barlly Dvorkin ’13 welcomed her daughter, Emersen, on Dec. 20, 2022.


    Baby Hinton

    Shafiyq Hinton ’13 and Kristen E. Van Meter Hinton ’14 welcomed their daughter, Karsyn Blue, on March 22, 2022.


    Baby Gayo

    Emily M. Hall Gayo ’14 and her husband, Richard, welcomed their son, Tucker Louis, on Oct. 10, 2022.


    Baby Rosenthal

    AJ Rosenthal ’14 and his wife, Dallas, welcomed their second child, Carsyn Meredith, on July 6, 2022. Carsyn joins her big brother, Cooper.


    Baby Heeter

    Zach T. Heeter M’16 and his wife, Rachel, welcomed their son, Allister Apollo, on Dec. 1, 2022.


    Baby Quade

    Jocelyn L. Williams Quade ’16 and her husband, Tyler, welcomed their son, Ethan David, on Oct. 5, 2022. He joins big sister, Esther.


    Baby Lennon

    Brooke Logan Lennon ’18 and her husband, Michael, welcomed their son, Dean, on Sept. 13, 2022.


    Baby Sindy

    Melissa M. Shank Sindy ’19 and her husband, Chad Sindy ’20, welcomed their daughter, Emerson Rose, on Oct. 12, 2022.